AutoMester celebrates 20th anniversary
The garage concept, AutoMester, founded in Denmark in 1993 has just celebrated its 20th anniversary in August. AutoMester is the most successful full service garage concept in Denmark with 430 members and is also established in Norway and now most recently this year in Ireland. spoke with Tommy Stuckert, concept manager of AutoMester Denmark and asked him to explain about the Danish auto repair marque.. “In Denmark the competition between the different independent garage concepts is strong.
There are up to 10 different concepts in the market so independent garages have a wide choice and approximately 1,800 garages are today “organised” in one of these garage concepts. It is also proven that garages that join AutoMester grow their business on average by 30 per cent in the first three years which is our main selling point.” “As Denmark’s largest garage concept, we always seek to be first movers in the market,” says Stuckert.. “We have it as an honour in always developing business both for the concept and the garage members. Our most important job is, every day, to get out of bed and look ourselves in the mirror and ask: “what can we do today to help the garages to be even more pleased with the concept than they were yesterday.”
In Ireland the AutoMester concept was launched in May and Sandra Baas is the concept manager and along with her team they have responsibility to develop all the support services that make the concept so valuable to independent garages.
Sandra says : “Already we have great interest and we are busy following up on enquiries. In Ireland we believe that if independent repair garages can improve their overall offer to the car driver then they will get more business just like in Denmark and Norway. Our experience here is vital and I know that AutoMester will appeal to progressive garages in Ireland.”
For further information contact Sandra Baas or Dania Buchal at AutoMester Ireland, phone 01 862 0000. Also check