Ireland's Publication for the refinishing & associated Industries

Certification Europe launches Compliance Management Application

Certification Europe has recently launched the Compliance Management Application (CMA) , an online reporting tool that supports Local Authorities and the EPA enforcing Solvent Regulation directives that help to track down illegal operators and prevent environmental damage.

If data management is the science of the future, tomorrow is now. Welcome  to the world of CMA., the dynamic reporting tool that provides an instant, user-friendly overview of the compliance rate of each business, subject to Solvent & Deco Paints Regulation I.S. 564 2012 by geographical region and Local Authority jurisdiction.

Besides providing an overview of the local level of directive adoption, it contains a detailed search function of non-compliant companies along with the individual reason for non-compliance.

Check out the full article in the bodyshop sction of the Auto Trade Journal, out next week.