Ireland's Publication for the refinishing & associated Industries

Certification Europe welcomes new regulations

Certification Europe, the only Interim Approved Assessor, to conduct Deco-paints regulations inspections has given welcomed new legislation, which came into effect on January 1.

Certification Europe says the changes in the regulations will enable businesses to continue to provide a quality, safe and compliant service to all their customers.

However, any new legislation and the benefits to the industry that it may bring are only as effective as the enforcement activities that underpin it, according to Certification Europe.

This new legislation has not brought any immediate change to the way the inspection is carried out. As the Interim Approved Assessor (IAA), Certification Europe must maintain the level of quality and integrity in the inspection process and must continue to comply with the International Standard ISO 17020 for conducting inspections.

The review was long and a thorough process, Certification Europe believes it answers all the questions the stakeholders in the process had. For example; an increased certification cycle, possible fixed penalty notices and post September a panel of approved assessors.

This is the first time that the legislation has had a significant revamp and it is important that the momentum of the scheme is maintained and that the organisations don’t avoid their inspection, allow their certification to lapse or adopt a wait and see approach.

Check out the full article in the Auto Trade Journal out next week.