Ireland's Publication for the refinishing & associated Industries

Hella to host Air Conditioning Handler Course

Hella Ireland is holding an Air Conditioning Handler course at its offices at Woodford Business Park, Santry, Dublin 17, next Wednesday, August 14.

The one-day course, which costs €240, will give technicians an understanding of the operating principles of an air conditioning system, ensure participants are able to recognise the components, their location on a vehicle and their function as part of the air conditioning system.

The course will give participants the knowledge to be able test systems to diagnose common faults and arrive at suitable rectification solutions. And understand the regulations relating to the safe handling of refrigerants and how best to avoid potential accidents.

The Course topics:

  • Introduction to refrigeration and how it works
  • Function of the different components in an air conditioning system
  • Pressure relationships
  • Differences between different oils and refrigerants
  • Associated electrical systems
  • A/C system conversions
  • Servicing and restoration of A/C systems
  • Fault examples
  • Diagnostic tips


  • Relevant practical experience.
  • The knowledge of how to use air-conditioning equipment.

The target groups:

  • Automotive Technicians
  • Auto Mechanics / -Electricians

For more information contact Hella ireland on 01 862 00.
