MAM Automate Online goes from strength to strength
MAM Automate Online, and the integrated MAM Make Model Index (MMI), is becoming the standard catalogue data management tool used by suppliers to enhance their product data and publish it to MAM Autocat+, the UK’s most comprehensive online vehicle parts catalogue, the company has reported.
The number of suppliers now mapping data to the MMI has increased by 28 per cent since the same time last year.
Hosted in the cloud, Automate Online is a Software as a Service package (SaaS) and can be accessed via any web browser.
Building on the success of the original Automate system, Automate Online offers a raft of improvements and additional functionality. Unlike its predecessor, Automate Online is a complete catalogue management system, allowing data to be added or edited individually without the need to publish a full database each time. This allows suppliers to correct small errors much more efficiently than previously possible. Continual updates reduce supplier data latency, ensuring product information is kept accurate and up-to-date so users always have access to the latest data.
The process of referencing parts against the Make Model Index (MMI) has been overhauled, and is now as simple as ticking a box. After uploading its products with vehicle information, the supplier selects all compatible vehicles via a dropdown box, updating the information boxes there and then within the program.
Taking advantage of MAM Software’s robust cloud infrastructure, Automate Online can be accessed via any Internet enabled device and is operated from within a web browser. As the catalogue tool is connected to MAM Software’s secure network services, it is able to boast a number of unique and online-focused features.
Data queries from Autocat+ users are sent directly to the Automate Online front-end, which means suppliers receive the query instantly rather than it going through MAM Software first. Suppliers can then act to rectify their data in a much more timely manner. With accurate gap analysis reports – linked with car part statistics – and live reporting, suppliers can identify the most popular vehicles and product groups as well as view monthly and annual market patterns. In addition, a new headline feed will be displayed each day on Automate Online’s home screen. This will inform the user about new vehicle releases, changes to the index and other important information – all in real-time.
“We’re delighted that Automate Online is becoming the standard for suppliers uploading their product data to our market leading Autocat+ parts catalogue,” said MAM Software’s Tony Mason. He added: “With rich, cloud-hosted functionality, our robust SaaS infrastructure provides the perfect platform for a modern, real-time data publishing solution that reduces the amount of time it takes for a supplier to publish product information to Autocat+.”
MAM Software is represented in Ireland by RNH Solutions. Telephone: 01 626 0155