NCTS accredited to ISO 17020
Applus Car Testing Service Ltd, the company that operates and manages the National Car Testing Service have been officially presented with the highest quality standard in the field of inspection and testing, ISO 17020.
The ISO 17020 standard is an internationally recognised standard, which was drawn up in the light of experience of European bodies performing inspections taking into account the requirements and recommendations of European and international standards and guidelines.
The ISO 17020 standard is awarded to inspection bodies who demonstrate high levels of competence in the field of inspection, and the National Car Testing Service is the only inspection programme of its kind to be accredited to this standard. All aspects of the NCTS process were audited ranging from the independence, impartiality and integrity of the service to the quality systems in place, the inspection methods and procedures to the handling of inspection reports and certificates. The standard also focused on the efficiency of managing customers including the complaints and appeal process, premises, facilities and test equipment. Speaking at the official presentation Mr. Pat O’ Brien of INAB, the accreditation body was extremely complementary of the professionalism and the competency of the NCTS inspection staff and the service that NCTS provide.
Mr Grant Henderson, Managing Director of Applus Car Testing Service Ltd said he was delighted to accept the certificate on behalf the NCTS operation and he continued to state that
congratulations are due to all the staff of NCTS whose commitment and expertise helped Applus Car Testing Service Ltd gain the ISO 17020 accreditation standard.
Applus+ is responsible for the operation of the compulsory vehicle inspection programme in Ireland. The primary aim of the NCTS is to improve road safety and enhance environmental protection by reducing harmful vehicle emissions in Ireland. The service is operated on behalf of the Road Safety Authority (RSA). For further information on the NCTS, visit