Ireland's Publication for the refinishing & associated Industries

Nexa Autocolor develops solutions to help bodyshops

Nexa Autocolor has developed a highly effective range of solutions to help any bodyshop business. its solution offer is based around the principles of Development, Efficiency & Control.

The potential profitability of a bodyshop business depends in part on its ability to grow its sales through the generation of new business.  It is vital that any bodyshop ensures it is best placed to attract new business.

Any bodyshop is constrained by its overall capacity which is impacted by how quickly an accident damaged vehicle can move through the repair process, from estimating through to final delivery.

In any business, the key to success is being able to understand & control key performance & financial drivers and the vehicle accident repair business is no exception to this.

At Nexa Autocolor, the brand’s core competence is being able to impact all of these principles and the aspects involved within each through its various solutions.

Nexa Autocolor offers highly effective services and training all designed to help bodyshops understand the three key principles to ensure they can control their business efficiently and impact where required, all to deliver long-term profitability.