Ireland's Publication for the refinishing & associated Industries

Nilco professional antibacterial and virus control range available from HBA

HBA has just launched the Nilco range of professional antibacterial and virus control products in Ireland.
The Nilco range is made up of high quality antibacterial and virus control products that are a “must have” for every business type, and are perfectly suited for the automotive aftermarket.
The full range consists of just 25 references and includes free-standing hand sanitising stations, antibacterial cleaners , car / truck sanitising kits, hand sanitiser and after creams – all of which are available in various sizes, with counter display units avalable.
HBA has an exciting Starter Pack offer for new dealers so don’t miss out on this opportunity to become a Nilco Stockist!
Call HBA now on 048 3753 1155 for full details or email them on