Ireland's Publication for the refinishing & associated Industries

Post Registration Vehicle Modification reminder

Stakeholders are being reminded that he Road Safety Authority’s (RSA) consultation on “Post Registration Vehicle Modification” will close on the 20th March

As part of its efforts to improve the standard and roadworthiness of Irish vehicles, the RSA is conducting a public consultation, which is part of a review process being carried out on the subject of post registration vehicle modifications.

The standard of vehicles on our roads is fundamental to road safety and a modified vehicle that does not adhere to an appropriate standard compromises this.

To ensure that the safety and environmental benefits of the original design and manufacture of a vehicle are retained throughout its life, even if certain modifications are made to the vehicle.

Vehicle modifications can range from simple cosmetic changes such as windscreen tinting to major structural alterations such as lowering a cars suspension, converting a van into a mini-bus or adding an axle to a Heavy Goods Vehicle.

A substandard modification can negatively impact a vehicle’s behaviour, posing a danger to the driver and other road users. Information gathered at roadside inspections has indicated that many substandard vehicle modifications exist.

Ireland currently has no system in place to control such activity.  To tackle this issue, the RSA is proposing that preventative measures be introduced to better regulate vehicle modifications in this country and ultimately save lives.

The RSA’s preferred method to achieve this looks at:

how vehicle modifiers / owners would be legally required to declare a vehicle modification to an appropriate authority (notify a vehicle alteration)
the procedure that a modified vehicle would undergo to ensure a modification is of an appropriate standard (modification approval)
the minimum technical standard which a modification would have to meet before it can be approved (appropriate standard)
the penalties for a vehicle owner / driver if an unapproved modified vehicle is used on a public road
the control of the fitment of unsafe vehicle parts
The consultation document can be viewed in the consultation section of the RSA’s website

The RSA wishes to hear from all vehicle owners, road users, interested groups and members of the public who may have views, advice and suggestions on the development of a system to ensure that any modifications carried out to a vehicle are of an appropriate standard.  The closing date for receipt of submissions is 20th  March 2013.  Comments should be e-mailed to: or posted to:

Vehicle Standards Section
Road Safety Authority
Moy Valley Business Park
Primrose Hill
Co. Mayo