Ireland's Publication for the refinishing & associated Industries

Racing For the LauraLynn Children’s Hospice

Car racing enthusiasts and drivers came together to support the LauraLynn Children’s Hospice at the Formula Vee Motor Racing festival recently. Sponsored by Dunlop Tyres Ireland they raised a much needed €15,000, which was presented to the hospice by Dunlop Marketing and Public Relations Manager, Steve Lynch.

LauraLynn Children
Pictured Steve Lynch Marketing and PR Manager Dunlop with Amanda Kenny Fundraising Co Ordinator, LaurlaLynn Children’s Hospice.

Steve Lynch, commented: “We are delighted to present this cheque to Ireland’s only children’s hospice. We would like to thank everyone who donated money throughout the weekend and contributed to such a worthy cause. LauraLynn Children’s Hospice is a very worthy cause and their continued efforts to support children and their families during very difficult and trying times is unparalleled and very deserving.”

The LauraLynn Children’s Hospice assists families with children that are suffering with life limiting conditions. The charities’ philosophy is not only to support the children in their care but to provide respite for all the family from the parents who need a much needed break to healthy siblings that can often get lost in the circumstances of the illness.

Jane McKenna, Founder of LauraLynn said: “Heartfelt thanks to all involved in the Dunlop Formula Vee Festival, for their fantastic support. Our service is a real lifeline and the funds raised will help support the children & their families who rely on our care, making the most of their short and precious time together.”

The festival was one of the best attended events on the Irish motor racing circuit this year and the supporters were treated to some spectacular racing from some of Ireland’s top up and coming racing drivers. Hosted at the Mondello international circuit the money was raised for the charity through income of gate receipts, programme sales and a gala charity auction.

Steve continued, “It has been a difficult year for all charities and we at Dunlop were thrilled by the generosity of the racing fraternity on the day. Not only did they get to see some great competitive racing but they showed their willingness to help out this very worthy cause. All of us involved with the sport are very much appreciative of their continued support.”