Ireland's Publication for the refinishing & associated Industries

RSA continues to promote road safety

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) will continue to promote policies aimed at improving the environment and safety for all road users.

Tom McHale, of Vehicle Standards, told a seminar organised in conjunction with the Institute of Automotive Engineer Assessors at Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton Street, that it was “amazing” the impact “shock tactic advertising” had in reducing the number of road accident fatalities here.

As soon as one media campaign ended, however, a new spike in the volume of tragic accidents appeared. In such circumstances, the RSA appealed to government for additional funding for a new safety campaign.

Mr McHale said there was continuing concern here, too, over the growing use of cheap, part-worn tyres.

A discussion document will be published shortly from which policy will be formulated, while experts in vehicle glass repair and replacement told the seminar of “the importance for safety of a correctly fitted windscreen and the risks associated with fitment”.

Picture L to R: Dr. Dietmar Golombowski of Dow Automotive, Dr Chris Davies from Belron(r) Technical, Mike McCarthy, Head of Active Safety, from the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) and Tom McHale from the Road Safety Authority (RSA) Principle Engineer and the Head of Vehicle Standards