Ireland's Publication for the refinishing & associated Industries

Second children’s book from motor industry personality

Emer Conlon, the Marketing Manager for well-known Scania truck dealer for the North-East and Dublin as well as the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicle partner, is steadily building a career as a children’s author following the publication of her second book in the Vroom-Town trilogy.

There is exciting news from Vroom-Town, the second book in the series has arrived and is entitled The Adventure of Terry the Terrible Tractor Unit Causing Chaos.

The book is a real page turner for children! Vroom-Town is a wonderful place where all types of trucks and vehicles live, work, play and have exciting adventures!


Emer explains the inspiration for the books: “Being surrounded by trucks, vans and machinery on a daily basis and knowing the massive interest that little boys and, surprisingly girls, have in trucks, diggers, tractors, I developed the idea of a wonderful place where lots of different trucks live, work, play and have exciting adventures – and Vroom-Town was created! They are ideal for children aged 4-8.”

She added: “I’m very excited about the launch of book two in the Vroom-Town series….. it’s been a long road literally! And through all of the hurdles and all types of adversity and struggles to get the three books to the shelves – we have done it! I can’t wait for children to re-acquaint themselves with a few old favourites including Screech, Noz, Tim and Bill Byrne and to discover some new exciting characters including Terry the Terrible Tractor Unit!”

The books are linked with an interactive website, where children can play dynamic games, enjoy word puzzles, jig-saws and colouring. Children today are using their parents’ iPhones and laptops before they can walk or talk so it is important to have an online aspect to add another dimension and keep their interest. It is better that children play online games that pertain to books rather than just random games – as it will encourage them to read. There is also an ‘as Gaeilge’ version of both the website and the books.

Emer continues: “ Vroom-Town goes a bit deeper too in terms of education. For example, there is a definite gender reading gap between boys, and girls of the same age. Vroom-Town provides boys with a topic in which they have a real interest – therefore wanting to find out more about the characters and encouraging them to read. The book is jam-packed full of loveable characters and some baddies!
Basically Vroom-Town is the full package for children – with books, t-shirts, stickers, website and great loveable characters. It has all the potential to rival household names such as Thomas the Tank Engine and Bob the Builder.

With the second book literally ‘hot off the press’, Emer explains a little about the new story, “The Adventure of Terry the Terrible Tractor Unit Causing Chaos is about good winning over evil and illustrates that there are consequences for actions. As the title suggests the main character – Terrible Terry is a baddie – and of course best friends with BullyDozer from the first book – Vroom-Town: The Adventure of Tim the Tipper in Quentin’s Quarry – but will he get his come uppance in the end?

Vroom-Town is available nationwide in Easons and all local bookstores have access to it. It is also available on Amazon, and most other online book providers as well as

It is important to note that all three books have been printed in Ireland and everything pertaining to the books and website are from Irish suppliers. It is competitively priced @ €9.99. So people can be assured that they are 100 per cent supporting Irish jobs. Emer explains: “That issue was important to me – it means the unit cost is higher for me than it would be if I were to get the books printed in China – but hopefully people will buy the book and I can sustain this…..”

She concluded, “The Vroom-Town series of books is ideal for little boys who love trucks, diggers and tractors and little girls who love colourful books with a great story and characters they can fall in love with! Roll on Book 3!” If people are interested in the Vroom-Town Series of Children’s Books and would like to find out more about our events and new releases, etc, they can simply like our facebook page or visit:”