Ireland's Publication for the refinishing & associated Industries

Somora launches range of sanitising products

Somora Motor parts has introduced a new range of sanitising products, not only for automotive applications, but products that can also be used in many other day to day situations.

These products will protect you, your colleagues and importantly your customers in the fight against the spread of corona viruses like COVID-19.

Probably the most exciting and innovative of these products is Sanitize from ProXL. This Anti-Bacterial “Room Fogger” aerosol is the perfect solution where a large volume area needs to be sanitised quickly, such as in vehicles, public transport, medical areas and offices.

Within 15 minutes, all surfaces will have been treated with an anti-bacterial coating and the air sanitised, while also leaving a clean and fresh fragrance.

Sanitize from ProXL has been approved to European Standard EN 14476. Products meeting this standard are proven to kill all Corona Viruses.

All products are available now, and can be ordered from Somora Motor Parts on 01- 675 4500, or by calling your Somora Sales Representative.