Ireland's Publication for the refinishing & associated Industries

Standox expands online documentation of historic colours

The classic colour documentation from Standox allows vintage car enthusiasts to get an online representation of what their favourite classic car looked like in its original colour. To achieve this, Standox has digitised its information on historic vehicle colours. The online documentation has been recently updated and the colour codes of 23 additional car marques have been added.

“The colour formulation of these classic colours can be accessed through three channels,” explains Jodie Henly, Standox brand specialist. “Via the online colour search at, using the Standowin colour search software, or through the Standox Colour Line. This valuable information enables professional refinishers to get the most precise colour matches when repairing precious collectors’ vehicles.”

New additions to the documentation include the original colours of the Innocenti Mini produced from the mid-1960s. The extended classic colour documentation contains for the first time colour codes of non-European vintage cars. In addition to Moskvitch and Lada from the former Soviet Union, ten Asian car manufacturers – from Daihatsu to Toyota – feature in the revised information, which is now sorted by car brands, making it even easier to use.

In total, colour codes from over 40 international car brands, from Alfa Romeo to Volvo, are available exactly as they were offered at the time. The classic colour documentation from Standox not only gives users an idea of what a vintage or classic car might have looked like with its original paintwork, but also what other colours were available at that time. It can be downloaded from as a PDF.

“The colour documentation is not the only help Standox offers in the classic colour range,” says Henly. “We produce a useful Standothek guide called Prestige and Classic Cars, which gives detailed information on how to care for and repair vintage cars. Professional refinishers in Standox-certified bodyshops are delighted to help owners preserve the value of these often-unique vehicles. Standox provides these bodyshops with the appropriate paint systems and state-of-the-art digital colour tools for fast and reliable colour matching, as well as marketing strategies for effective customer relations in this field.”.

To download the Standothek guide, visit

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