Standox launches new UK product catalogue
Standox, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of automotive refinishing paints, has just launched a new product catalogue, specifically for the UK market.
The comprehensive 30-page catalogue, in a handy A5 format, offers detailed information on the full range of Standox products, complete with order codes, pack sizes and TDS references.
Jodie Henly, Standox brand specialist, says: “this new catalogue has been divided into eight clearly illustrated sections covering cleaners, stoppers, primers and fillers, basecoats, clearcoats, hardeners, thinners, and ancillaries. Full details of each product in all eight of the categories are displayed alongside its image, making it easy when looking for something specific, or simply browsing a product section”.
The catalogue is being distributed to all Standox distributors and end-users, with an online version also available.